# (Pass_667)White Belt Access Support - Stage 1 FY20 (Partners only)
# * Q1 : What are best practice for configuring channel in wireless network? Select 3 correct answers
(O) Enable Dynamic Bandwidth Selection
(O) Only use channel 1, 6 and 11 on 2.4Ghz
(O) Use 5 GHz as much as possible
Disable dynamic channel assignment

# * Q2 : What are the best practice for configuring power of wireless network? Select 2 correct answers
Use maximum power for better coverage
Create larger cells for less co-channel interference
(O) Enable Event Driven RRM (EDRRM) with Rogue WiFi Contribution
(O) USE the RRM with the max set to 17dBm and min 5dBm

# * Q3 : Which of the following Capture options allows GRE encapsulation of traffic to remote destinations?

# * Q4 : AP Discovery and Join Process: Choose the right sequence:
Discover WLC –> Download Image -> Join WLC –> Download Config –> Run
Discover WLC –> Join WLC –> Download Image –> Download Config –> AP Reboot –> Run
(O) Discover WLC –> Join WLC –> Download Image –>AP Reboot -> Download Config -> Run
Discover WLC –>Download Image –> Download Config –> AP Reboot –> Join WLC -> Run
debug capwap events enable
# * Q5 : Which of the below 2 is true for idle timeout and session timeout?
(O) Session timeout determines when the client’s authenticated session ends
Idle timeout determines when the client’s authenticated session ends
After the idle timeout passes, when the client tries to connect back, it does a re-association and re-authentication
(O) After the idle timeout passes, when the client tries to connect back, it does a fresh association and authentication
1,Session timeout (會話超時)
Session Timer的最高計數1800s,也就是30min。
Session timeout (會話超時):當該計時器超時時,由於客戶端強制發生重認證,這個時間是從客戶端認證成功後開始計算,進入倒計時。
2,Idle timeout (空閒超時)
Idle timeout (空閒超時):空閒定時器超時時,客戶端會從WLC上被刪除掉(如果一個用戶的設備關機了,或者是筆記本等設備進入睡眠狀態,進入狀態,無法和AP先進行溝通,進行信息 當計時器超時後,下次客戶端協商就需要完成完整的認證過程。
# Q6 : Methods using which Access point (AP) remembers the Wireless controller (WLC) list: (Choose all 4 that apply)
(O) Manually primed APs
(O) High Availability WLCs – Pri/Sec/Ter/Backup
(O) Last joined WLC
(O) WLCs from mobility group
WLCs with highest AP capacity
WLCs that least client load
# Q7 : What is the key functionality of the command 'show platform resources'?
Platform Memory utilization
(X) Platform CPU utilization
(O) Platform Health overview
(X) Hardware related issues

# * Q8 : During outdoor access point installation, how can the 'Fresnel Effect' be improved? Select any 2
Place some trees in the line of sight
Lower the antenna
(O) Raise the antenna
(O) Different mounting point

# Q9 : Which of the below is true about Mobility?
(X) To Roam between two APs registered to two different WLCs, both WLCs should have same virtual ip, mobility group, AP- Group name
To Roam between two APs registered to two different WLCs, both WLCs should have management ip in same vlan
(O) When client roams between WLANs on different subnets, it still retains the IP address
When client roams between WLANs on different subnets, it changes its IP address
# * Q10 : Client Association response (choose two correct statements):
(O) Association response 0 is success and Association response 1 is failure
Association response 1 is success and Association response 0 is failure
Association response 17 indicates client data rate is not allowed and Association response 18 indicates AP is busy and unable to handle client association.
(O) Association response 18 indicates client data rate is not allowed and Association response 17 indicates AP is busy and unable to handle client association.
# * Q11 : Cisco Outdoor access points come with IP-67 certification. Which of the following is true for IP-67?
(O) It is water proof when immersed in up to 1 meter of water for up to 30 minutes
It prevents rodents from damaging it
(O) Has an air tight enclosing case to protect it from dust
(X) Protection against solid objects up to 1 metre cube
(X) All the above

# * Q12 : The access points should be installed no higher than 30 feet to allow for support for wireless clients on the ground. Is this statement correct?
(O) No

# * Q13 : Archive of traces and log files can be created by using which of the below commands?
show platform archive
(O) request platform software trace archive
(X) crashinfo:/logs
(X) request platform trace archive

# * Q14 : The architecture of Catalyst 9500 switches are based on which of the following platforms?
UADP 2.0
(O) UADP 3.0
UADP 1.0
UADP 2.0 mini

# Q15 : Which of the following statement is Correct
(O) AP sends discovery request and join request to all known and learned WLCs
(X) AP sends discovery request to all known and learned WLCs but send join request to only one WLC.
AP can send maximum of 10 discovery requests and one join request.
(X) AP chooses the right WLC using hunting algorithm and sends only one discovery request and join request.
# * Q16 : What are the placement & positioning best practice of wireless network? Select 2 correct answers
(O) Position AP horizontally (vertical polarization)
Minimal 2 meter away from obstructions (Fresnel zone)
Use mix of directional and omni-directional antennae on the same AP for larger coverage
(O) Access Points minimal 3 metres away from each other
# * Q17 :Which of the following is a best practice for installing outdoor access points? Select 2 correct answers
Any UTP cable is preferred for Access point installation
(O) Cables entering a building should be shielded and grounded
(O) Any cable entering a building should have a Lightning Arrestor
The outdoor access point can be mounted inside a plastic/metal cage
# * Q18 : Choose the right sequence of dot1x authentication process
Probe ->Open system Authentication -> Association -> EAP Method -> EAPoL Handshake -> Run
(O) Probe -> Association -> Open system Authentication-> EAP Method -> EAPoL Handshake -> Run
Probe -> Open system Authentication -> Association -> EAPoL Handshake -> EAP Method -> Run
(X) Probe -> Association -> Open system Authentication -> EAPoL Handshake -> EAP Method -> Run
# Q19 : Which of the below is true regarding Internal L3 WebAuth on the WLC? (Choose two)
Client does not have an IP address, but has completed authentication
(O) Client gets an IP address and moves to WEBAUTH_REQD state
Internal L3 webauth cannot work with a L2 authentication
(O) If there is no DNS resolution, we need to manually enter the WLC virtual IP for redirection
# * Q20 : Which of the following is true for Embedded Packet Capture (EPC)?
(X) Live capture ability for quick diagnose
(O) Live capture ability for quick diagnose and storage capabilities
(X) Packet capture performed by Port Asic
Ability to capture control plane packets on the switch only

# Q21 : Which of the below are the reasons for a client roam to a neighboring Access point? (Choose three)
Neighboring AP changes channel
(O) AP sees a neighboring AP with a better RSSI/SNR
(O) Client moves out of the coverage area
(O) Associated AP power changes
# Q22 : Which of the following are NOT a best pratice for installing outdoor access points?
When installing the RJ-45 connector, ensure that cable gland and the rubber gasket are present and installed properly
Ensure a 6 AWG ground wire is connected to the access point
(O) Best throughput is achieved when all the access points are mounted at different heights
Ports which are not in use should be properly sealed and tighten
# Q23 : How are Access Point templates different from controller templates? Select 2 correct answers
(O) Controller templates are incremental, only the changed parameters are deployed
* (O) AP templates are full deployment - all parameters in the template are deployed
(O) No config audit for AP templates
* (O) Users have multiple AP templates that can be deployed to a single AP