

2020年4月14日 星期二

Microsoft Exchange 2003 - 應用事件日誌中記錄了事件ID 9187

MSExchangeSA 9186 , 9187


每隔15-20分鐘,“Event ID: 9187”就記錄在應用事件日誌中:
Microsoft Exchange系統助理未能將本地計算機添加為DS組對象的成員'cn = Exchange域服務器,cn =用戶,dc = microsoft,dc = com”。
請停止所有Microsoft Exchange服務,將本地計算機手動添加到組中,然後重新啟動所有服務。
Microsoft知識庫文章271335涉及了該問題,並建議開啟“ Exchange System Attendant ”服務。然後,Exchange Virtual Server離線,然後重新返回在線狀態。但是仍然記錄事件9187。


如果面向Exchange 服務器的電腦用戶配置不正確,則會導致該問題。
  1. 打開“Active Directory Users”“Computers”
  2. 打開“Exchange server computer account”的屬性。
  3. 選擇“ Member of Tab ”。
  4. 查看“Primary group”是否設置為“Exchange Domain Servers”組。
  5. “Primary group”更改為“Domain Computers”
  6. 等待Active Directory複製或者執行Active Directory複製

Event Id9186
DescriptionMicrosoft Exchange System Attendant has detected that the local computer is not a member of group cn=Exchange Domain Servers,cn=Users,dc=microsoft,dc=com. System Attendant is going to add the local computer into the group. The current members of the group are CN=SERVERNAME,OU=NEWOU,DC=microsoft,DC=com; .
Event InformationAfter you move a Microsoft Exchange 2000 Server computer from one organizational unit to another within the domain, or after you rename the organizational unit, the above event with 9187 event id, are logged in the application event log.
Reference LinksSystem Attendant Generates 9186 and 9187 Event ID Messages

Event Id9187
DescriptionMicrosoft Exchange System Attendant failed to add the local computer as a member of the DS group object name. Please stop all the Microsoft Exchange services, add the local computer into the group manually and restart all the services.
Event InformationExplanation :
This event indicates that the System Attendant has detected that the local computer is not a member of the Exchange Domain Servers Security Group and failed to add it to that group.
While there may be other causes of this error, it can happen because the Distinguished Name (DN) of the Server has changed. This change in the DN can happen because the computer may have been moved to another organizational unit (OU) in Active Directory. This error may show up if even if the server is in the Exchange Domain Servers Security Group.

User Action :
Stop all Exchange services. If necessary, add the local computer to the Exchange Domain Servers Security Group and restart the System Attendant Service manually. Note that this will cause the Information Store service to restart. </p>
Reference LinksSystem Attendant Generates 9186 and 9187 Event ID Messages


