Attack | Event ID |
Account and Group Enumeration | 4798: A user's local group membership was enumerated 4799: A security-enabled local group membership was enumerated |
AdminSDHolder | 4780: The ACL was set on accounts which are members of administrators groups |
Kekeo | 4624: Account Logon 4672: Admin Logon 4768: Kerberos TGS Request |
Silver Ticket | 4624: Account Logon 4634: Account Logoff 4672: Admin Logon |
Golden Ticket | 4624: Account Logon 4672: Admin Logon |
PowerShell | 4103: Script Block Logging 400: Engine Lifecycle 403: Engine Lifecycle 4103: Module Logging 600: Provider Lifecycle |
DCShadow | 4742: A computer account was changed 5137: A directory service object was created 5141: A directory service object was deleted 4929: An Active Directory replica source naming context was removed |
Skeleton Keys | 4673: A privileged service was called 4611: A trusted logon process has been registered with the Local Security Authority 4688: A new process has been created 4689: A new process has exited |
PYKEK MS14-068 | 4672: Admin Logon 4624: Account Logon 4768: Kerberos TGS Request |
Kerberoasting | 4769: A Kerberos ticket was requested |
S4U2Proxy | 4769: A Kerberos ticket was requested |
Lateral Movement | 4688: A new process has been created 4689: A process has exited 4624: An account was successfully logged on 4625: An account failed to log on |
DNSAdmin | 770: DNS Server plugin DLL has been loaded 541: The setting serverlevelplugindll on scope . has been set to <dll path> 150: DNS Server could not load or initialize the plug-in DLL |
DCSync | 4662: An operation was performed on an object |
Password Spraying | 4625: An account failed to log on 4771: Kerberos pre-authentication failed 4648: A logon was attempted using explicit credentials |
2020年5月25日 星期一
Windows Event ID caused from Attack
張貼留言 (Atom)
При планировании проекта разработки программного обеспечения я часто сталкиваюсь с помощником, который задает мне вопрос: в чем разница межд...
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