

2023年10月12日 星期四



在電信領域,網路切片已成為一個突破性的概念,有望徹底改變網路的管理和利用方式。這項創新的核心在於策略和計費規則功能 (PCRF),它是一個關鍵組件,能夠創建和管理具有獨特特徵的網路切片,以滿足特定用戶的需求。 


PCRF是策略和計費規則功能的縮寫,是網路切片的關鍵元素,負責定義和實施與現代電信網路中的服務品質(QoS)、資源分配和計費相關的策略。透過利用 PCRF,網路營運商可以根據使用者需求動態分配資源並實施策略,確保優化和個人化的網路體驗。



PCRF 是如何運作的?



在LTE網路中,PCRF在提供端到端的策略控制和計費能力方面發揮著至關重要的作用。它使營運商能夠根據服務需求和網路條件定義和執行策略,確保網路資源的有效利用。LTE 中的 PCRF 功能包括存取控制、QoS 管理和計費實施,確保使用者獲得適當等級的服務,同時保持公平的資源分配和貨幣化。



PCRF 和 PCEF 有什麼不同?

PCRF 專注於策略控制和計費決策,而分組資料網路 (PDN) 閘道的策略和計費執行功能 (PCEF) 負責在網路邊緣實施這些策略。PCEF 強制執行 PCRF 定義的 QoS、頻寬分配和計費規則。簡單來說,PCRF 決定應用哪些策略,而 PCEF 確保這些策略在網路基礎架構內即時執行。



2023年10月5日 星期四

HPE MSA2060 Storage Terrible Performance Drop ..... and even Web Console no response

 Q. When config HPE msa2060 storage auto-tiering function, should I reserve some space for auto-tiering ?

Ans :

Yes, when configuring auto-tiering on an HPE MSA 2060 storage system, it's a good practice to reserve some space for the auto-tiering functionality. This helps ensure that the system has sufficient resources to efficiently manage and move data between different tiers based on usage patterns and performance requirements. The specific amount of space to reserve can vary based on your workload, data types, and performance needs. It's advisable to consult HPE's documentation or work with their support to determine an appropriate allocation for auto-tiering.

Q. Any suggestion for how much space should I reserve?

The amount of space you should reserve for auto-tiering on your HPE MSA 2060 storage system can vary based on several factors, including: 

Data Patterns: Analyze your data access patterns to understand how frequently and intensively data is accessed. Frequently accessed data may need a larger tier to ensure optimal performance.

Data Size and Growth: Consider the size of your data and how it is expected to grow over time. Allocate space that accommodates future growth and scaling needs.

Performance Requirements: Evaluate the performance requirements of your applications. Critical and performance-sensitive applications may require a larger allocation to ensure optimal performance.

Workload Type: Different workloads (e.g., database, file storage, virtual machines) have varying storage needs. Tailor the reservation based on the types of workloads you are supporting.

Resiliency and Redundancy: Account for redundancy and resiliency requirements, ensuring that there's ample space to handle mirrored or redundant copies of data.

Recommendations from HPE: Refer to HPE's official documentation or consult their support for specific recommendations regarding auto-tiering space allocation.

A common practice is to reserve around 10-20% of the total storage capacity for auto-tiering purposes. However, it's essential to review and adjust this based on your unique circumstances and the factors mentioned above. Additionally, consider monitoring the system's performance and adjusting the allocation as needed to maintain optimal performance over time.
